Why you should hire me

Hello there!  

My name is Russ Legear, and I love people. I believe people are intrinsically good, and that when you empower them with trust and inspiration, they will astound and amaze.

It’s very hard for me to self-promote myself in a letter like this; not because I’m shy, or because I haven’t done amazing work, but because I know I couldn’t have done half that work without all that I’ve learned from all the amazing people I’ve met throughout my career.  For me to give them all the credit they deserve would take far more space than this cover letter allows.

In short, I consider myself a leader before a manager.  Real leadership is about empowering my employees to take healthy risks, innovate, and grow both personally and professionally.  Seeing my employees do amazing things is one of the main reasons I get up every morning.  And that inspires my own growth.  At the end of the day, I would trade ten managers for one great leader.

I wasn’t always like this; I used to be content to do my work, play with the cool tech toys we IT nerds love so much.  But throughout my career I noticed that I was taking on leadership roles even though I didn’t seek them; I was taking ownership in the projects and disciplines assigned to me.  My teams were making a meaningful difference in the lives not just of our colleagues, but also for our customers.  And that feels pretty great.

So, why hire me?  I could go over all the projects I’ve lead to completion, the systems I’ve implemented, the problems I’ve solved.  But what I’d rather talk about is that I’m not afraid to take ownership of whatever I’m given.  I want to see everyone around me grow and prosper.  I am hungry to learn all I can.  I want to have fun with my work, and I want that fun to spread!

You should hire me if you want someone who loves to collaborate with people, who gets things done, who is constantly learning, and who isn’t afraid to take responsibility. 

I look forward to working with you!


Russ Legear